Thursday 30 October 2014


Quite unlike the other times when I got really depressed. Perhaps the depression is waiting around the corner again, but I feel high, with barely enough sleep. I like the jumbled timings, staying awake all night and sleeping during the day. Surprisingly warm for this time of the year, the water a warm 70 degrees, Payson tells me. I ordered a wet suit while I was in India because the one thing I truly enjoyed this year in our mountain home was wearing the wet suit top I had and swimming around in our stream on hot days. In fact, I think that was the highlight (among many other highlights!) of this visit there. But my bottom got cold and hence the full wet suit. The dogs accompanied us and had a ball. Payson and I used to jump into the Pacific during our younger days and we haven't done it for so long that we think its time to get young again. So, jet lag permitting, we're going to do it again!

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