Thursday, 23 October 2014


Diwali -- what a horrible festival! Brings out the worst in people when the crackers start going off. My mother has let loose a string of horrible abuses for the people indulging in such a mindless and barbaric practice and I have to admit I have been echoing her. Even my high tech ear plugs are not helping. I can't understand the pleasure people take in it. It was never this noisy when I was growing up, just a few exciting fireworks, sparklers and such, without the noise. I have never enjoyed it but unfortunately I get stuck with it each year on my way to the US. This blog is a whine, and like Donald used to say, 'a whine is a terrible thing to waste.'

1 comment:

  1. Fireworks evolved from celebratory symbols to the art of war. Rockets to missiles, firecrackers to Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)...what do you expect from Homo sapiens....not a life form living in balance on this planet.
    Thank you Donald: this is my whine!
