Sunday, 26 October 2014


Many phases of our lives are transitions, whether literal of psychic. Generally they are both. Waiting to fly off to the US for our annual migration to So Cal for the winter and to fly to India in the spring, are always major transitions. It is the nature of transitions – since you are neither here nor there – to be stressful. I have done this so many times and yet each time I find myself over packing, nervous, creating tasks to do so as not to give myself too much time and space to get anxious in. There are only one or two things to do during transitions other than expecting yourself to be anxious and coping with it the best you can – meditation and yoga.

1 comment:

  1. Good to observe oneself and others in the process. Our semi-annual migration, literally half way around the globe, is quite a process. We've created a situation, like those mammals or birds that make vast migrations for water, food, or procreation and birth, that we marvel at on the Nature programs of Attenborough. Monarch butterflies traveling thousands of miles, Wildebeests struggling to cross rivers with voracious crocodiles waiting for their own migration rewards. We sit for 30 hours sleeping or watching mostly stupid movies in planes and wander through airports, filled with stuff we don't need, but glitters offering the illusions of youth and comfort with all those duty-free chocolates! Our migration, even with all the work. I calculate it takes a month out of my life each year to prepare coming and going in both homes. Sometimes, with less time remaining, it seems like a crazy effort, wasting valuable Life-time....but then we have created two different worlds/planets to move through with a Himalayan Forest in one, rustling with the old ways hanging by a thread, our Hirub stream always drumming, moving forward in its flow....and the Pacific Ocean rumbling in the night or catching the last rays of purple and orange glittering with beauty beyond any human creation. Stopping to absorb these vast cultural and natural panoramas is the daily mediative yoga of the lives we have did this all happen?? What magic and mystery....along with all the pre-travel anxiety and jet lag pushing us into it's own level of attention moving through the night with no sleep, aware of different rhythms....amazing.....
