Tuesday, 30 June 2015


I know from the example of my mother and someone else's mother who I am close to that as you near the end of your life, you only remember a-chronological events, events that meant something to you but your don't remember the sequence. This is what happens to Mardana, too, as he nears his end. 

Only events remained in his memory, without the interim between them, without the chronology. What happens to the time in between, he wondered. And what happens to the string that holds time linearly, one after the other? Time is not what I thought it was when I was younger. A different logic holds it together. And soon, very soon, it will end and I will enter timelessness. How will that be?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps all levels of our ego-time/history have always existed simultaneously and when we age the veils that separate discrete linear time dissolve away. The Alzheimer wisdom of my mother/Mamala revealed many mysteries of her being that surfaced as her ego merge with a Higher Consciousness. Slowing down, aging, removal from the roar of accomplishment opens up new/old dimensions that have their own compelling realities.
