Is the last sentence of my previous post more horn tooting? No, this is the way to think. How many of us go through life hating ourselves! What a way to live, or rather, what a way to die! How very precious we are! Think of all those billions upon billions of sperm and eggs that didn't make it! Our very presence here, now, is a miracle! How many billions of things have to be right for us to be here, now!
One of my meditations involve lying in the shava asana, or the corpse position, and begin by thanking my toe nails, toes, every tendon and cell in one foot after the other for working right, for allowing me to stand, and move and walk and carry the weight of my body. Have you ever had something go wrong with your foot, or any other part of your body that hampers your functioning? We get unhappy over it because we are so prone to unhappiness. But when things are going right we forget to give thanks. This meditation has no end. One can focus at one time on any one thing, and give it thanks, thanks, thanks! Yes, my lovely body that has allowed me to experience the rare gift of this life and my sweet and darling brain that has allowed me to think about that experience.
No matter what shape or color, weight or height or age my body is, it is lovely, lovely, lovely!
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