Monday, 4 May 2015


The reason why I am posting so much is because I have taken a break from my writing. My brain was getting tired. Also, I am in the city where the Internet connection is better than in our village. And then, there is so much more leisure here where I live in one room and don’t have to think about a whole house. Really, one ought to live in one room; one ought to have a shack. It makes me realize how less is more and people who don’t have elaborate homes are often more fortunate than people who do. In a way we are trapped in boxes of our own making.

There is the other side of it, too, of course, the joy of owning and tending, but these days I am in an ascetic mood and looking forward to living in a room in my mother’s house for a week. Payson joins me in a few days.

Speaking about my mother, I had a wonderful two hours with her yesterday on my arrival. She looked well and said God had given her another life. I love it when my mother talks to me about sexual topics! A few details of her life with dad, a few details about others. We had a good laugh and then we sat and ate together. This morning I was lured out of my room by beautiful kirtan pouring into my ears from the TV that she has on very loudly because she can’t hear very well. The melody was haunting as the kirtaniya (singer of sacred songs) sang: What blessed destiny will take me to my Beloved? I meditate on His (or Her) blessed feet and speak his name day and night.

The words in Panjabi were: kavan sanjog milo prabh apnai. Pal pal nimakh sadaa har japnai.

The words alone can’t convey the enchantment.

But here’s a photo of my mother reading the paper. At ninety four she still sits upright, cross legged on her bed.

failed again. Next time. 

1 comment:

  1. Mummyji is an incredible human being....a force of Nature in her own right! Difficult at times, not wanting opposition, in control. General Laj as I call her. Yet, in watching age these last eight years since Daddyji (her husband, Hardit Singh Kapur) died, I have come to respect her with great admiration. She is a teacher on many not to age and go into Death's embrace while creating conflict with others....not preparing for the Big Jump by being peaceful and creating harmony with family, friends, help, etc. Yet, she also is amazing in her capacity to try to change things in her set ways and being so actively engaged in the world and life around her....with all the family conflicts and intrigues. Not to mention her continued engagement in keep her home immaculately maintained, managing her help, growing her flowers. She's very much alive and not going into the Shadows lightly or softly. What a trip....Laj Bedi...descendent of Guru Nanakji! Amazing to know her and to love her. Wahe Guru, Wahe she would say!
