Sunday, 17 May 2015


I understand my trepidation about blogging. This paradise is not as well-connected as we would like. The Internet is very iffy and when we do have it, it is very slow and frustrating, though I am learning not to get frustrated about anything lately. As much as I would like to post photos it is going to be increasingly impossible.

And by the way, I mention an internal storm in my last blog and it is incumbent upon me to say something about it. I had a terrible day two days ago – who knows why? I woke up that way and could do nothing to get back into my skin and be myself. Of course, there was a dreadful storm that blew out our electricity (which goes off more often than it stays on), but the external storm was only a mirror of my internal one. My internal storms blast the roof off my home and make me discontent with everything that I love. The worst thing about them is that I don’t remember that things have been and will be better. The very next day I felt great and wondered what that day was all about.

This morning I thought I should write about it to fix it in my memory. At first I thought ‘bad days should be seen from the perspective of good days,’ but later I realized that there is a higher perspective than both of them. I have never quite understood what Guru Nanak meant by staying above both good and bad until I experienced these two dramatic days. This perspective is not easy to maintain but worth striving for.

1 comment:

  1. Nu? everything changes....we strive for equanimity, finding the still point center of the moving wheel....everyday....a lifetime of practicing...and many more....
