Saturday, 6 July 2013


I notice that my last post said nothing about my mother so let me make amends here. I don't want to be like my mother in ways that I can help it. I suppose that is what evolution is about -- learning from your parents mistakes. I suppose what I consider my mother's greatest mistake is her inability to see things from any but her own point of view. There are many others: wanting everyone in her life to be a 'yes' person, a sycophant, and then complaining that no one loves her. She can be a Dragon Lady, and in my life I have always avoided women who are into their own power. But for those women who have had such mothers, I offer hope. After my father's death in 2007 (I adored . . . no, adore him -- more of how dead people can be alive for us, later), I vowed to love my mother unconditionally. As she grows more and more lonely in her old age, I call her daily, visit her as often as I can, and love her when I am with her. She has said her mother didn't know how to love and she inherited it from her -- my mother has never been physical, but the last time I visited her she actually lifted her hand and placed it on my arm -- the closest she has come to making a loving gesture! Yes, I know a few people like that in addition to her. How sad it is.

1 comment:

  1. Sad but even more hopeful....that Laj could, at 91, feel safe enough with you to reach out....a very healing, loving gesture, considering that she didn't get much affection. Perhaps that gentle, tentative arm touch has more meaning than a lot effusive expressions that are grounded in a "safe" loving life....then it's easy. Sort of like Simon Peres said when receiving the Noble Peace Prize with Yassar Arraft: "You don't make peace with your friends."

    You're unconditional love towards Laj is one of the more impressive things I've seen you do in life...perhaps one of the greatest! With all our hopes for "success" as creative people....creating more love in the world is probably the greatest creation we can do....
