Thanks, friends, for your comments on my last blog entry about Oxygen. I don't want to impose my blogs on you, so if you want, you can go to my blog at and sign in to receive my posts. Or not. I will continue to forward for a few months to give you ample time to sign in, or not. This is the first time I have forwarded a post to my friends in over two years of blogging owing to a subconscious desire to be read by people I do not know, a sort of an objective evaluation of my 'worth' so to speak. But this is phooey baloney, so here I am, sending it to my dear ones again.
After I heard from you in appreciation of the last forwarded post, I had a subconscious (it's always that, isn't it, till you pull it out by its tail from the depths with conscious probing) urge and stress to write more posts, get more wonderful comments! But I turn 65 in a week, and I have resolved to be mistress instead of slave to my subconscious urges. Another resolution is not to hurry anymore. This may be a sign of aging, but I adore the idea of not cutting corners with myself, of pushing, pulling, conforming to some idea of what is 'productive' and what is not.
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