My Book on Guru Nanak, THE SINGING GURU, will be out in the USA in February 2015, by the publisher who did my other two books, GANESHA and RUMI: Mandala; a play I wrote almost forty years ago, KAMIA, which won an award in India but was never produced, is finally happening on May 4 in Mumbai. It's been a busy time, packing up for a seven month sojourn in India, getting therapy for an aching hip, dealing with getting a driver in India since my old driver, who I love, has gotten another very high-paying job. And of course, as before every journey, the thought of death thrusts itself onto one's consciousness. Last night before falling asleep I imagined myself as one of the passengers on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight that plummeted mysteriously into the Indian Ocean -- all my beloved things, my computer, my files, my seriously guarded passport, the diamond ring Payson gave me on valentine's day, submerged, useless, worthless, my hair floating up like seaweed anchored to my fast dissolving head and brain, organs most of us usually live by and through. It was, all in all, a comforting vision -- to see how in the end nothing matters-- that helped me drift into a deep and almost dreamless sleep.
It is a vision worth keeping close to the heart. It detaches us from things/ people/thoughts/ideas we hold so dear, and in so doing, lightens our loads/concerns/worries, and makes life a joy and daily celebration.
We're all heading for the Horizon at the end of the Infinite Ocean...nice to float a bit while still here on your laurels...Mazel Tov & Mubarak on your latest accomplishments with The Singing Guru and Mandala agreement and KAMAI.
ReplyDeleteHaving just read your play KAMIA, I salute your vision of Indian human rights for women....that 40 years later still needs to happen! Wonderful that Baju will be producing/directing in Mumbai at the Tata Theatre and you will be present to watch it performed!
Let us enjoy the real and the we paddle together in our kayak, skimming with the dolphins and sea lions, watching the ochre kelp float and glisten....and as our dream states take us closer to the Great Beyond...