Immediately after I had posted the last blog, Kikky's mommy called! She left yesterday and I have been missing her presence in the house, getting accustomed to the fact that she will never just come strolling in the way she used to. The first thing I did every morning while she was in my neighborhood was to open my cat door wide to the possibility of her visit. Well, it isn't going to happen anymore. It is like a death, in fact. I combed and fed her well, all the time thinking how in India a corpse is always bathed before it is taken for cremation. It is a way of nurturing the body and honoring the vehicle of the soul.
Animals are very dear to me; people sometimes don't understand it fully; one of my friends said to me, I want to reincarnate in my next life as your pet! I treat them like my children, not having any myself. I find loving them very rewarding. Kikky's mom wanted to give me a gift for taking care of her, and I said to her, Kikky was my gift. She did drop off a couple of bottles of wine, however, as a gesture.
I feel sad today but I am enjoying that sadness because it comes from love and loss. True detachment is letting those we love move on. It doesn't however mean that they leave our hearts. Quite the contrary. Yoko Ono once replied to someone who said -- 'don't you miss John? You guys were together most of the time' --' now we are together all the time.' I know that all the people and animals I have loved and lost inhabit the room of my heart. They are beyond time and space, and therefore non-local, which means available anytime at all.
Beautifully stated. It's like watching an hour long red sunset over the Del Mar ocean.....the red light fades slowly to blue-black night, stars come out, a crescent Moon hangs....all is held in the mind-eye-heart...images of the Divine....